“Jesus was praying in a certain place, and when he had finished, one of his disciples said to him, “Lord, teach us to pray just as John taught his disciples.” (Luke 11:1)
The major theme for this 17th Sunday in the Ordinary Time focuses on the importance of prayer in our Christian life and explores some aspects on prayer: (1) the power of intercessory prayer, (2) the ideal prayer, which is the Lord’s Prayer, (3) the necessity for persistence and perseverance in prayer, and (4) the importance to pray with trusting faith and boldness.
Many people have misconceptions about prayer. They think prayer is like giving God a to-do list, asking or insisting that God meet their desires or expectations that are often unrealistic, narcissistic, egotistic and individualistic. Such an attitude or manner is never the correct meaning or way of an effective prayer, because true prayer is never ego-centered or self-centered. On the contrary, it is always God-centered, other-centered, seeking for the goodness of all and for the greater glory of God above all.
St. Teresa of Avila told us: “Prayer is nothing else than an intimate friendship, a frequent heart-to-heart conversation with Him by whom we know ourselves to be loved” (St. Teresa of Avila, “The Book of Her Life,” chapter 8). Therefore, everything that we do should aim at our “heart-to-heart, friendly conversation with God in the person of Christ.”
In the Old Testament there are several examples of intercessory prayers: Moses, Ezra, Elijah, Daniel, Nehemiah… have prayed for Israel (Exodus 32:11-13, Ezra 9:6-15, I Kings 18:36-37, Daniel 9:4-19, Nehemiah 1:3-11). In the New Testament there are also several examples of intercessory prayers: Jesus, Stephen, Paul… have prayed for the Church (John 17:6-26, Acts 7:60, Ephesians 3:14-20, Philippians 1:9-11, Colossians 1:9-12).
The Lord’s prayer is the best prayer of all because it is taught by Christ himself. Jesus explains that if we are persistent, persevere in our prayers, God surely will answer our prayer (Luke 18:1-8). Moreover, if we pray with trusting faith in Christ and God, our prayer will be effective (Matthew 21:22, Mark 11:22-24). We see Christ’s teachings on prayer in today’s readings.
God does not want us holding a relationship of Transaction but Transformation. Therefore, Dynamic Christian disciples are those who (1) BELIEVE, (2) GROW, (3) SERVE, (4) LOVE and (5) LEAD others to Jesus. Today’s topic invites us to pray with persistence and trusting faith for others, using the best prayer, the Lord’s Prayer, to love God above all and to love our neighbors as ourselves to accomplish God’s will in our lives to glorify God.
How can we help each other put aside all excuses, but earnestly, consistently pray to God at all time, develop humility, generosity, thankfulness, appreciation and persistence in prayer?