In October all group monthly meetings are resuming in the Church after the evening Mass.
Our religious eduation programs have started. The registration is continuing. If you know somebody who wants to join the First Communion, Confirmation, RCIA... please contact the parish office (310) 396-2679.
The hours for the Holy Door are Monday through Saturday, 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. Please come to visit the Lord and pray at this holy site. For more from the Archdiocese: Click here.
On Wednesday, Oct. 6, a special mass will be held at St. Raphael in Los Angeles ( ) for the survivors, victims, and families of violence. Fr. Stan, the Pastor, has worked tirelessly for many years in the fields of gang intervention, violence reduction and therapy for families.
October is the month of the rosary. Let us be more fervent in offering our spiritual bouquets to our heavenly Mother, asking her to intercede for all our needs.
Even if we are vaccinated, we still need to be careful. Be watchful by trying to stop the spread of the COVID-19 by observing all necessary procedures by the health departments. Masks are required inside the church.
For more activities and news throughout the archdiocese of Los Angeles, please visit the archdiocesan websites.