Fr. Joseph thanks everyone for participating in the Presentation of the Lord and brought the image of the Child Jesus to be blessed on Feb. 2. We hope that everyone enjoyed their tamale, in celebration of the Presentation of the Lord. ....
El Padre Joseph agradece a todos por participar en la Presentación del Señor y trajo la imagen del Niño Jesús para ser bendecida el 2 de febrero. Esperamos que todos hayan disfrutado de su tamal, en celebración de la Presentación del Señor. ....
2 - Don't miss the delicious hot food prepared each Sunday, 9:30 a.m.-2 p.m. by our volunteers. Share the meal with our families and friends in the parish hall, to help form and strengthen our community of faith here at St. Clement Church. See Sunday's menu on this homepage. ....
3 - Fr. Joseph invites everyone to our annual pilgrimage to the Missions. This year we are visiting Mission San Buenaventuras on March 8, 2025 from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Seating is limited, and the cost remains the same as last year, at $100. Reserve your seat and make your payment due by Feb. 19. .... El padre Joseph invita a todos a nuestra peregrinación anual a las Misiones. Este año visitaremos la Misión de San Buenaventuras el 8 de marzo de 2025 de 8 a. m. a 8 p. m. Los cupos son limitados y el costo sigue siendo el mismo que el año pasado, $100. Reserve su asiento y realice el pago antes del 19 de febrero. ....
4 - Fr. Joseph encourages everyone to attend the meeting in Spanish on Mental Health issues promoted by the LA County Department of Mental Health. Our next meeting is Feb. 19, and the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of the month.
5 - Fr. Joseph invites everyone to participate in the special retirement fund for religious by using its designated envelopes on the table in the church.
6 - Fr. Joseph invites everyone to visit the religious store beside the garage to buy candles and all other religious articles. Now St. Clement Church offers cirio, large size costs $30 each and small size costs $20 each. ....
7 - All children who have received their first communion can become altar servers for Mass. If you are interested in being part of the team, please contact Dulce or Maggie in the parish office, Call (310) 396-2679. ....
9 - Fr. Joseph is proposing in July/August 2025 to move our altar back to its original space as we are expecting to replace our pews and flooring during that time. The benefits of moving the altar back to its original place are: (1) We may gain more pews for seating. (2) We will get more space in Church to accommodate visiting priests for concelebration, for lectors, altar servers. (3) We will not be blinded by the sunlight. (4) We will have a more balanced set up for the Stations of the Cross. (5) We get easier focus on the tabernacle, the main cross and the altar as they will be in the center of the Church.
10 - Fr. Joseph invites everyone to use the St. Clement Church postcards to invite anyone who has not been back physically to celebrate Mass with us. ....
11 - Even though face masks are recommended but not obligatory in the county of Los Angeles, there are some increasing cases of respiratory infection due to the flu season with variant of COVID-19. Therefore, let us continue to be vigilant and prudent to prevent the transmission of respiratory illnesses and use the face masks when near people or in a room. ....
12 - All volunteers, ministers, servers, private contractors, employees... are required by the archdiocese of Los Angeles to participate in the Virtus Training and finger printing. For more information, please contact the parish office. ....
13 - The parish office requests all group leaders to turn in their respective monthly activity calendars to better plan the upcoming activities. ....
14 - Fr. Joseph requests that when donating items to St. Clement Church, please donate only new unused items. Thank You. ....
15 - Hispanic Bible Study Classes are on Mondays and Wednesdays on Zoom. If you are interested in knowing more about the Bible and how the Word of God applies in our daily lives, please contact Hector or Mayra or call the parish office for more information: (310) 396-2679. ....
16 - Fr. Joseph announces the "Called to Renew," ; at St. Clement Church, which will provide much needed funding for us and strengthen important ministries and programs that impact us all. Our campaign goal is $125,000 in 5 years of which 50 percent will remain at our parish. This campaign in our archdiocese will ensure that we can continue to be a vital presence in our community. Please take a campaign package home and take a moment to prayerfully discern how you can most generously support this campaign and meet Fr. Joseph personally in the parish office for days to come or you may use the following link to give online. ; Fr. Joseph Thanks You in advance for your faithful support.