“But God said to him, ‘You fool, this night your life will be demanded of you; and the things you have prepared, to whom will they belong?’ Thus, will it be for the one who stores up treasure for himself but is not rich in what matters to God.” (Luke 12:20-21)
The major theme for this 18th Sunday in the Ordinary Time focuses on the true wealth of our Christian life, which is heavenly or spiritual wealth above earthly or material wealth. Many people have the misconceptions about wealth because they only care for or care more about earthly material wealth than heavenly spiritual wealth.
Many of us constantly acquire worldly material wealth and power and prestige but forget or refuse to share or care for the less fortunate people who need their help for sustenance, comfort, security and support. These “materialistic people” value life in terms of the “here and now” and in the monetary, numerical measurements. Their insatiable hunger and thirst for wants and desires become more important than their needs and dependent on God that they become greedy, arrogant, selfish, possessive, manipulative, foolish and sinful. They forget to build up heavenly spiritual wealth by doing works of mercy, taking care of the less fortunate ones and God’s creations.
Today, God is teaching us that the true meaning of life is not found in selfish hoarding of material wealth and possessions, but in sharing our treasure, time and talents with others and the needy for the benefits of all and for the greater glory of God. God is instructing us that our true security is not in the worldly material things like money, power or prestige, but in God alone.
Just like St. Augustine said: “You have made us for yourself, O Lord, and our heart is restless until it rests in you” (St. Augustine, “Confession” book I). Indeed, we can find our true peace, joy and satisfaction not in earthly material wealth, but only in God alone.
God does not want us holding a relationship of Transaction but Transformation. Therefore, Dynamic Christian disciples are those who (1) BELIEVE, (2) GROW, (3) SERVE, (4) LOVE and (5) LEAD others to Jesus. Today’s topic invites us to build up our heavenly spiritual wealth by doing the works of mercy, to love God above all and to love our neighbors as ourselves to accomplish God’s will in our lives to glorify God.
How can we help each other be generous in sharing our treasure, time and talents, fulfilling our duty of Christian stewardship to build up eternal and true wealth in heaven?