“After John had been arrested, Jesus came to Galilee proclaiming the gospel of God: “This is the time of fulfillment. The kingdom of God is at hand. Repent, and believe in the gospel.” (Mark 1:14-15)
The major theme for this Third Sunday in Ordinary Time follows the last Sunday’s reflection on our “vocational calling” and our need to repent for our sins and to respond to God’s call to conversion and renewal of our lives. God calls us to conversion, to reform and repent by the Holy Spirit, to become new people as true disciples, to fulfill His will for the good of all.
Vocation call comes in different ways. But the response comes from us, which requires our decision and determination to answer that call.
“Discernment” is the process of determining and understanding God’s call to serve Him. It is a spiritual and personal journey. The necessary ingredients for discerning a vocation are: (1) trust, (2) patience, (3) faith, and (4) prayer. These four elements will be constantly challenged during our vocation journey and will need to be renewed daily with patience.
There are several stages for discerning a vocation. (1) Attraction or Interest, (2) Inquiry, (3) Information Gathering, (4) Spiritual Discernment, (5) Confirmation.
God does not want us holding a relationship of Transaction but Transformation. Therefore, Dynamic Christian disciples are those who (1) BELIEVE, (2) GROW, (3) SERVE, (4) LOVE and (5) LEAD others to Jesus. Today’s topic invites us to reflect on our vocation of dynamic Christian discipleship to fulfill God’s will and obtain our salvation.
How can we appreciate our vocation to serve God, His people, be a dynamic Christian disciple?