1. Parish Food Sale Aug. 15 (after each Mass) Venta de comida 15 de agosto (despues de cada misa): The flyer for our upcoming celebration for the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary is out. To celebrate this feast day, the parish will be offering food sales of various typical and cultural dishes, including some delicious Philippine foods (egg rolls, rice noodles...) on Aug. 15, 2021. Also, join some fun games such as the lottery and raffles in the parish hall. Join us to celebrate Our Lady's Assumption into heaven. .... 2.
Fr. Joseph wants to say THANK YOU to our beloved community for responding warmheartedly to the archdiocesan missionary appeal of the Combonian Missionaries Fr. Jorge and Fr. Jose Manuel Sanchez the past weekend. Your assistance of Prayer, Sacrifice and Support will be generously rewarded by our compassionate and merciful heavenly Father through Jesus Christ our Lord. May God shower his kindness upon all of you....
3. Registration for the religious education program is open now. The first day of CCD and RCIA classes will be Sept. 11, 2021. If you know any child that needs to prepare for the First Communion or any teenagers for the Confirmation classes or any adult for the RCIA classes, please contact the parish office. ........ Inscripciones para clases de educación religiosa
La inscripción para las clases de educación religiosa está abierta. Horario de oficina: lunes a viernes. 9 a.m. -1 p.m. Traiga certificados de nacimiento y bautismal originales. Para obtener más información, comuníquese con la Oficina Parroquial. ...
4. Fr. Joseph is still looking for a good musician to assist us in the Saturday Vigil Mass at 5 p.m. and Sunday Mass at 9 a.m. If you know any talented musician who is willing to assist us in the English masses, please let Fr. Joseph know. Thank you.
..... We encourage everyone to participate in our annual campaign of Together in Mission of the Archdiocese of Los Angeles. Our goal for this year has decreased from $9,000 of last year to $8,000 of this year. Please help us to achieve our goal for a very necessary and good cause to assist poor parishes and Catholic schools of our archdiocese.