“Unos magos de oriente llegaron entonces a Jerusalén y preguntaron: “¿Dónde está el rey de los judíos que acaba de nacer? Porque vimos surgir su estrella y hemos venido a adorarlo.” (Mateo 2:1-2). El tema principal para esta Solemnidad de la Epifanía del Señor se enfoca en el Padre Celestial da el mejor don de Dios, su único Hijo unigénito, Jesucristo, al mundo pecaminoso, por nuestra salvación. Por este regalo, Dios ha revelado (Epifanía) y demostró concretamente su misericordia y compasión a toda la humanidad y su creación de que pretende rescatarnos del pecado y la muerte, para restaurar todo de regreso a la belleza, la bondad y la paz original. La epifanía del Señor es una antigua fiesta emergió en el siglo II en el este. La palabra "Epifanía" proviene del griego, lo que significa "apariencia" o "manifestación" del Señor. En la iglesia occidental (católicos romanos), las personas celebran la primera aparición de Jesús a los gentiles representados por los magos. En la Iglesia Oriental (ortodoxa), la gente conmemora el bautismo del Señor, en el que el Padre y el Espíritu Santo testifican, identifican y revelan la verdadera identidad de Jesús como el Hijo unigénito de Dios. Aunque ambos lados celebran de manera diferente a esta fiesta, todos reconocen la importancia de esta fiesta como la atención constante de Dios hacia su pueblo. De hecho, a través de muchas maneras, Dios continúa "revelando", "manifiesto", "aparece", "muestra" y "demuestra" su amor divino, misericordia, compasión y presencia entre nosotros en la Biblia y en nuestras vidas. Por ejemplo: en la Biblia, los ángeles revelan a Jesús a los pastores; San Juan Bautista revela .... [Haga clic en el título para continuar]
“…behold, magi from the east arrived in Jerusalem, saying, “Where is the newborn king of the Jews? We saw his star at its rising and have come to do him homage.” (Matthew 2:1-2). The major theme for this feast of the Epiphany of the Lord focuses on the Heavenly Father giving the best gift of God, His only begotten Son Jesus Christ, to the sinful world, for our salvation. By this gift, God has revealed (Epiphany) and demonstrated concretely His mercy and compassion to all humanity and His creation that He intends to rescue us from sin and death, to restore all back to the original beauty, goodness and peace. The Epiphany of the Lord is an ancient feast emerged in the 2nd century in the East. The word “Epiphany” comes from Greek, which means “appearance” or “manifestation” of the Lord. In the Western Church (Roman Catholics) people celebrate the first appearance of Jesus to the Gentiles represented by the Magi. In the Eastern Church (Orthodox) people commemorate the Baptism of the Lord, at which the Father and the Holy Spirit testify, identify, and reveal Jesus’ true identity as the only begotten Son of God. Although both sides celebrate differently this feast, they all recognize the importance, the significance of this feast as God’s constant care toward His people. Indeed, through many ways God continues to “reveal,” “manifest,” “appear,” “show,” and “demonstrate” His divine love, mercy, compassion and presence among us in the Bible and in our lives. For example: in the Bible, angels reveal .... [Click headline to continue]
“Entonces volvió con ellos a Nazaret y siguió sujeto a su autoridad. Su madre conservaba en su corazón todas aquellas cosas. Jesús iba creciendo en saber, en estatura y en el favor de Dios y de los hombres.” (Lucas 2:51-52). Hoy celebramos la fiesta de la Sagrada Familia de Jesús, María y José y ofrecemos nuestras propias familias a Dios para que las bendiga. El Catecismo de la Iglesia Católica enseña: “la familia es la célula originaria de la vida social” (# 2207). La estabilidad y el bienestar de una sociedad dependen del estado de sus familias. Solamente si la familia es fuerte y sana, la sociedad es fuerte y sana. Además, la Constitución Dogmática de la Iglesia, Lumen Gentium, enseña: “la familia es la Iglesia doméstica” (# 11). Tiene su especial dignidad y está querido por Dios para cumplir una vocación particular. En la familia llegamos primero (1) a conocer y experimentar el amor, (2) a reconocer nuestra identidad y dignidad, (3) a descubrir nuestra vocación, (4) a ejercer nuestros deberes y (5) a cumplir la voluntad de Dios. La familia es el terreno de reposo donde se inculcan y cultivan valores y virtudes. Sin embargo, hay una variedad de factores que han contribuido a la fragmentación, el aislamiento, la desintegración y la evolución estructural de la familia en nuestra sociedad. Por ejemplo .... [Haga clic en el título para continuar]
“He went down with them and came to Nazareth, and was obedient to them; and his mother kept all these things in her heart. And Jesus advanced [in] wisdom and age and favor before God and man.” (Luke 2:51-52). .... Today we celebrate the feast of the Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph and offer our own families to God for blessings. The Catechism of the Catholic Church teaches: “the family is the original cell of social life” (#2207). The stability and the well-being of a society depends on the state of its families. Only if the family is strong and healthy, the society is strong and healthy. Moreover, the Dogmatic Constitution of the Church, Lumen Gentium, teaches: “family is the domestic Church” (#11). It has its special dignity and is willed by God to fulfill a particular vocation. In the family we first come (1) to know and experience love, (2) to acknowledge our identity and dignity, (3) to discover our vocation, (4) to exercise our duties and (5) to fulfill God’s will. The family is the resting ground where values and virtues are inculcated and cultivated. However, there are a variety of factors that have contributed to the fragmentation, isolation, disintegration, and structural evolution of family in our society. For example .... [Click headline to continue]
“¡Bendita tú entre las mujeres y bendito el fruto de tu vientre!” (Lucas 1:42). Hoy celebramos el cuarto domingo de Adviento. En unos días llegará la Navidad. Las lecturas de hoy nos preparan para la próxima fiesta de Navidad reuniendo los temas principales de los primeros tres domingos de Adviento, a saber, (1) Esperanza de que la promesa de Dios se realice en nuestras vidas, (2) Paz por nuestra transformación arrepentida, (3) Gozo por la venida de Cristo Salvador y culminará en el tema principal de hoy, que es (4) El amor de nuestro Dios compasivo y misericordioso como su maravilloso regalo al mundo. Estos temas, Esperanza, Paz, Alegría y Amor, nos recuerdan que el misterio de la Encarnación del Amor infinito e inmerecido de Dios nos llega a las personas comunes que viven en vidas comunes, necesitamos tener nuestra disposición y apertura para hacer la voluntad de Dios y responder. a la invitación de Dios a experimentar su .... [Haga clic en el título para continuar]
“Most blessed are you among women, and blessed is the fruit of your womb.” (Luke 1:42). Today we celebrate the Fourth Sunday of Advent. In a few days Christmas will be here. Today’s readings prepare us for the upcoming feast of Christmas by bringing together the major themes of the first three Sundays of Advent, namely, (1) Hope for God’s promise to be realized in our lives, (2) Peace by our repentant transformation, (3) Joy for Christ Savior’s coming and to culminate in today’s major theme, which is (4) Love of our compassionate and merciful God as His wonderful gift to the world. These themes, Hope, Peace, Joy and Love, remind us that the mystery of the Incarnation out of God’s infinite and unmerited Love comes to us ordinary people living in ordinary lives, need to have our willingness and openness to do God’s will and to respond to God’s invitation to experience His compassionate and merciful Love. Today’s readings suggest that we should not celebrate Christmas as just an occasion for nice feelings like any other day. Instead, our commemoration of Jesus' birth should inspire us to respond decisively to God’s compassionate and merciful Love, to carry out God's word as Virgin Mary and Jesus did, in perfect obedience to .... [Click headline to continue]
“Hermanos míos: Alégrense siempre en el Señor; se lo repito: ¡alégrense! Que la benevolencia de ustedes sea conocida por todos. El Señor está cerca.” (Filipenses 4:4-5). El tema principal de este tercer domingo de Adviento, también conocido como el domingo "Gaudete", se centra en el "gozo" por la venida de nuestro Señor y Salvador Jesucristo. La misa de hoy comienza con la antífona de apertura, "Gaudete in Domino semper" ("Gozaos siempre en el Señor"). Hoy encendemos el cirio rosa de la corona de Adviento y el sacerdote puede usar vestiduras rosadas para expresar nuestro gozo comunitario por la venida de Jesús como nuestro Salvador. Nos regocijamos porque: (1) estamos celebrando el día del nacimiento de Cristo que está cerca, (2) reconocemos su presencia .... [Haz click para continuar]
“Rejoice in the Lord always. I shall say it again: rejoice! Your kindness should be known to all. The Lord is near.” (Philippians 4:4-5). The major theme for this Third Sunday of Advent, also known as the “Gaudete” Sunday, focuses on the “Joy” for the coming of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Today’s Mass begins with the opening antiphon, “Gaudete in Domino semper” (“Rejoice in the Lord always”). Today we light the rose candle of the Advent wreath and the priest may wear rose or pink vestments to express our communal joy in the coming of Jesus as our Savior. We rejoice because: (1) we are celebrating the day of Christ’s birth that is near, (2) we recognize His daily presence in our lives and (3) we wait for His return in glory. We rejoice by realizing .... [Click to continue]
“Como está escrito en el libro de las predicciones del profeta Isaías: Ha resonado una voz en el desierto: Preparen el camino del Señor, hagan rectos sus senderos. Todo valle será rellenado, toda montaña y colina, rebajada; lo tortuoso se hará derecho, los caminos ásperos serán allanados y todos los hombres verán la salvación de Dios.” (Lucas 3:4-6). El tema principal de este segundo domingo de Adviento del Año C continúa invitándonos a prepararnos para la venida de nuestro Señor y Salvador Jesucristo a nuestros corazones, vidas y mundo. Durante estas cuatro semanas de Adviento, cada uno de nosotros está invitado a viajar lejos de todo lo que podría distraernos del advenimiento de nuestro Dios, a un lugar de paz y reclusión, donde podamos redescubrir la presencia de Dios sin obstrucciones y escuchar la voz de Dios sin distracción. A través del ayuno y la oración, y al prestar atención con cuidado a los dones bíblicos especiales de esta temporada, seremos renovados en las visiones que sostuvieron a nuestros ancestros guardianes en la fe y dirigieron el curso y el crecimiento de nuestra fe como comunidad de creyentes. Ninguno de nosotros está llamado a embarcarse en esta búsqueda como ermitaño; la búsqueda espiritual, que es el Adviento, es una peregrinación comunitaria. Como compañeros de viaje, también nos encontraremos en compañía de otros viajeros veteranos, cuya sabiduría y experiencia nos serán de gran utilidad. Las lecturas de hoy nos .... [Haga clic en el título para continuar]
“As it is written in the book of the words of the prophet Isaiah: A voice of one crying out in the desert: ‘Prepare the way of the Lord, make straight his paths. Every valley shall be filled, and every mountain and hill shall be made low. The winding roads shall be made straight, and the rough ways made smooth, and all flesh shall see the salvation of God.’” (Luke 3:4-6). The major theme for this 2nd Sunday of Advent Year C continues to invite us to prepare and make ready for the coming of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ into our hearts, lives and world. During these four weeks of Advent, each one of us is invited to journey away from all that would distract us from the advent of our God, to a place of peace and seclusion, wherein we can rediscover God’s presence without obstruction and hear God’s voice without distraction. Through fasting and prayer, and by attending carefully to the special scriptural gifts of this season, we will be renewed in the visions that sustained our guardian-ancestors in the faith and direct the course and the growth of our faith as a believing community. None of us is called to embark upon this quest as a hermit; the spiritual quest, which is Advent, is a communal pilgrimage. As travel companions to one another, we shall also find ourselves in the company of other veteran travelers, whose wisdom and experience will stand us in good stead. Todays’ readings challenge us to .... [Click Headline to Continue]
Because of the rise of COVID-19 cases by the new variant Omicron, Fr. Joseph encourages everyone to follow all the protocols mandated by the county health department and the CDC, using N-95 or surgical masks, rubbing alcohol or sanitizing gel, maintain a safe physical social distance of 6 feet, avoid crowded indoor spaces... etc. Fr. Joseph encourages everyone to get vaccinated. .... 2 - The religious education classes will continue to be online to protect our children. .... 3 - Vigil Mass for New Year Dec. 31: in English at 5 p.m. and in Spanish at 7 p.m. .... New Year Mass Jan. 1: in English at 9 a.m. and in Spanish at 10 a.m. .... 4 - See the link above for the weekly bulletin. Fr. Joseph will continue to offer a limited quantity of bulletins printed in-house for those who cannot access the bulletin online. .... 5 - Fr. Joseph invites everyone to have a piece of Rosca (sweet bread) for the Epiphany of the Lord on Sunday, Jan. 2, 2022 in the parish hall and see who gets the baby Jesus in the bread. Everyone is invited to sign up for the celebration of the Presentation of the Lord on Tuesday, Feb. 15, 2022. .... 6 - The parish office requests all group leaders to turn in their respective monthly activity calendars to better plan the upcoming activities. .... 7 - Fr. Joseph invites everyone to bring a small bottle of water and some salt to be blessed at the end of Mass to celebrate the Baptism of the Lord on Sunday, Jan. 9, 2022. .... [Click to continue]