“Yo soy la vid, ustedes los sarmientos; el que permanece en mí y yo en él, ése da fruto abundante, porque sin mí nada pueden hacer.” (Juan 15: 5) En este quinto domingo de Pascua, continuamos celebrando la resurrección y la victoria de Cristo sobre el pecado y la muerte. Quiere compartir la alegría de la vida eterna con cada uno de nosotros y unirse completamente a nosotros a través de los sacramentos de la Iglesia. Las lecturas de las últimas semanas nos invitan a reflexionar sobre nuestra unidad con Cristo, primero considerando el aspecto arquitectónico (por ejemplo, piedra y piedra angular), luego la imagen pastoral (por ejemplo, rebaño y pastor), y ahora la vida agraria (por ejemplo, sarmientos y vid), desafiándonos a considerar aún más profundamente el misterio de nuestra unión con y en Jesucristo. Viñedo es una imagen familiar y sorprendente extraída directamente de las colinas escalonadas de Israel y Judá. Es un motivo popular entre los profetas hebreos como Isaías, Jeremías, Ezequiel y Salmos para describir la relación entre Dios e Israel. Del mismo modo, los viñedos y los labradores son el tema de muchas parábolas de Jesús. Utiliza la vid como símbolo....
“I am the vine, you are the branches. Whoever remains in me and I in him will bear much fruit, because without me you can do nothing.” (John 15:5) On this Fifth Sunday of Easter, we continue to celebrate Christ’s resurrection and victory over sin and death. He wills to share the joy of eternal life with each one of us and uniting completely with us through the sacraments of the Church. The readings in recent weeks invite us to ponder our oneness with Christ, first considering the architectural aspect (e.g. stone and cornerstone), then the pastoral imagery (e.g. flock and shepherd), and now the agrarian life (e.g. branches and vine), challenging us to consider even more deeply the mystery of our union with and in Jesus Christ. Vineyard is a familiar and striking image drawn directly from the terraced hills of Israel and Judah. It is a motive popular among the Hebrew prophets like Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel and Psalms for describing the relationship between God and Israel. Similarly, vineyards and vinedressers are the subjects of many Jesus’ parables. He uses the vine as....
1) The Mother's Day Spiritual Bouquet Mass intention cards are available now. Mass intentions will be offered throughout the month of May for the well being of our mothers either living or deceased. An updated weekly list of names for the intention will be provided. May God bless all our mothers. 2) The 46" flat screen TV was donated by Celeste Rodriguez and brought in $1,914 to the Church. Congratulations raffle winner Carlos Villalobos, may God bless him! 2. 3. The painting in the church will begin Wednesday, May 5, and will take an estimated 2 weeks. Since we are painting inside the Church, Fr. Joseph has also started to paint the entrance of the Church and the TV box. 4. Fr. Joseph thanks Mr. John Li of Anaheim Tile & Marble, Inc. for donating the tiles for the chapel, the confessional and the steps of the rectory. May God reward Mr. John Li's generosity and bless all his family and business. 5. Every Friday in May, La Natividad Group will pray the Holy Rosary in Spanish from 6:30 p.m. to 7 p.m. and at the end of the prayer to offer a flower to the Virgin Mary. 6. Next weekend (May 8-9) is the commitment weekend. Please use the designated envelopes for this specific purpose. 7. Fr. Joseph has thankfully installed a ceiling fan in the Church men's restroom to improve greater air flow. The restroom has been painted as well.
The Carmelite Sisters of the Most Sacred Heart would like to gift you with a FREE coupon code (LIVINGJOYFREE) to their upcoming Live Virtual Event, Living Joy, featuring Chris Stefanick and the Carmelite Sisters (valued at $49.99). This is an opportunity to learn how to deepen the joy to which God is calling us! All parishes are invited to attend virtually on May 1, from 10 a.m. –1:00 p.m. (PT) or watch later with friends and family! The Carmelite Sisters hope that you spread the joy and share with your friends, family, and those in our diocese! Use the free code*: LIVINGJOYFREE at http://bit.ly/joy51-free or call Maria, (626) 289-1353 Ext. 2203. *Before April 24.
Applications are being accepted for COVID-19 funeral assistance. Contact the toll-free (844) 684-6333; no online applications will be accepted. No funeral homes or other third party contacts may apply on behalf of families. Catholic cemeteries and mortuaries will make every effort to assist those patrons requiring copies of documents related to services provided by those facilities. FEMA has issued a fraud alert, warning of possible scams: FEMA will not contact individuals offering services or send individual notifications. We encourage anyone with questions to visit the FEMA site.
“En aquel tiempo, Jesús dijo a los fariseos: “Yo soy el buen pastor. El buen pastor da la vida por sus ovejas.” (Juan 10: 11) En este cuarto domingo de Pascua seguimos celebrando la resurrección de Cristo y la victoria sobre el pecado y la muerte, quien desea compartir la alegría de la vida eterna con cada uno de nosotros. Hoy se conoce como el "Domingo del Buen Pastor". También es la “Jornada mundial de oración por las vocaciones”. Por lo tanto, el tema principal de hoy nos invita (1) a reflexionar sobre la imagen de Jesucristo como el Buen Pastor, que cuida con devoción de su rebaño, dispuesto a dar su vida por sus ovejas. Y (2) a imitarlo para convertirnos nosotros mismos en buenos pastores cuidando bien a las personas y al mundo que Dios nos ha confiado para cumplir nuestra vocación. El título del párroco es “pastor.” Un pastor guía, alimenta, nutre, consuela, corrige y protege a su rebaño. En realidad, estas son las responsabilidades que pertenecen a todo ....
“Jesus said: I am the good shepherd. A good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep.” (John 10:11) On this Fourth Sunday of Easter, we continue to celebrate Christ’s resurrection and the victory over sin and death, who wills to share the joy of eternal life with each one of us. Today is known as the “Good Shepherd Sunday.” It is also the “World Day of Prayer for Vocations.” Therefore, the major theme today invites us (1) to reflect on the image of Jesus Christ as the Good Shepherd, who devotedly takes care of His flock, willing to lay down His life for His sheep. And (2) to imitate Him to become good shepherds ourselves, taking good care of people and the world that God has entrusted to us to fulfill our vocation. The title of the parish priest is “pastor” which means shepherd. A shepherd leads, feeds, nurtures, comforts, corrects, and protects his flock. Actually, these are the responsibilities that belong to ....
“y les dijo: “Está escrito que el Mesías tenía que padecer y había de resucitar de entre los muertos al tercer día.” (Juan 24: 46) En este tercer domingo de Pascua, el tema principal de las lecturas de hoy nos desafía a tener fe en la presencia viva de nuestro Señor Resucitado para fortalecer nuestra esperanza en Él, nos llama al verdadero arrepentimiento de nuestros pecados y nos lleva a dar testimonio de Cristo mediante nuestras Obras de Misericordia. Las lecturas también nos recuerdan que el propósito de la pasión, muerte y resurrección de Jesús es salvarnos de los pecados, nos invita a dar testimonio del Señor resucitado de manera más efectiva, a arrepentirnos de nuestros pecados, renovar nuestras vidas y encontrarnos con Jesús en la Palabra de Dios y en la Mesa Eucarística. Nuestro discipulado cristiano incluye cuatro elementos comunes: (1) todo llamado genuino a seguir a Jesús se origina en Dios, no el resultado de una referencia o elección humana. (2) El discípulo es desafiado por Jesús a la...
“And he said to them, “Thus it is written that the Messiah would suffer and rise from the dead on the third day.” (John 24:46) On this Third Sunday of Easter, the major theme for today’s readings challenges us to have faith in the living presence of our Risen Lord to strengthen our hope in Him, calls us to true repentance for our sins and leads us to bear witness to Christ by our Works of Mercy. The readings also remind us that the purpose of Jesus’ passion, death and resurrection is to save us from sins, invites us to bear witness to the risen Lord more effectively, to repent our sins, renew our lives and to meet Jesus in the Word of God and at the Eucharistic Table. Our Christian discipleship includes four common elements: (1) every genuine call to follow Jesus originates in God, not the result of ....
“Al anochecer del día de la resurrección, estando cerradas las puertas de la casa donde se hallaban los discípulos, por miedo a los judíos, se presentó Jesús en medio de ellos y les dijo: “La paz esté con ustedes”. (Juan 20: 19) Hoy la Iglesia celebra el Domingo de la Divina Misericordia, que es el domingo inmediatamente posterior a la Pascua. Originalmente se basa en la devoción a la Divina Misericordia que Santa Faustina Kowalska relató como parte de su encuentro con Jesús, y está asociada con promesas especiales de Jesús e indulgencias emitidas por la Iglesia. Jesucristo le dijo repetidamente que una persona que acude a la confesión sacramental y recibe la Sagrada Comunión obtendrá el perdón total de todos los pecados y el castigo, lo que significa que esa persona irá inmediatamente después de la muerte al cielo sin sufrir en el purgatorio (o infierno). Además, la Iglesia otorga una indulgencia plenaria a todos los que cumplieron con los requisitos. Por lo tanto, las lecturas de hoy ....
“On the evening of that first day of the week, when the doors were locked, where the disciples were, for fear of the Jews, Jesus came and stood in their midst and said to them, “Peace be with you.” (John 20:19) Today the Church celebrates the Divine Mercy Sunday, which is the Sunday immediately after Easter. It is originally based on the devotion to the Divine Mercy that Saint Faustina Kowalska reported as part of her encounter with Jesus, and is associated with special promises from Jesus, and indulgences issued by the Church. Jesus Christ repeatedly said to her that a person who goes to sacramental confession and receives Holy Communion will obtain the total forgiveness of all sins and punishment, which means that person will go immediately after death to heaven without suffering in purgatory (or hell). Additionally, the Church grants a plenary indulgence to all who fulfilled the requirements. Thus, today’s readings are about God’s mercy, the necessity for ....
“porque hasta entonces no habían entendido las Escrituras, según las cuales Jesús debía resucitar de entre los muertos”. (Juan 20: 9) Jesús resucitó de entre los muertos "al tercer día". En las escrituras hebreas, "el tercer día" era tradicionalmente el día de la liberación, de la reversión, de la victoria arrebatada de las fauces de la derrota o la muerte. (1) En Oseas: “Dios nos revivirá después de dos días; al tercer día nos resucitará para vivir en su presencia”. (2) “Al tercer día”, cuando Abraham estaba a punto de sacrificar a Isaac, Dios le dijo que perdonara la vida de su hijo. (3) José liberó a sus hermanos de la prisión egipcia "al tercer día". (4) “Al tercer día”, Dios se apareció a las tribus errantes en el Sinaí. (5) “Al tercer día”, David recibió la noticia de que Saúl había muerto. (6) Isaías le dijo a Ezequías que sería sanado de una enfermedad grave "al tercer día". (7) “Al tercer día”, y cuando su situación parecía más desesperada, Ester inició su plan para salvar a sus compañeros judíos. (8) Jonás fue liberado del vientre del gran pez "al tercer día". Hoy, "al tercer día" después de recordar la muerte en sacrificio de Jesús en la cruz, estamos celebrando la reversión divina de ese evento en la fe de que la resurrección de Cristo es una garantía segura de lo que cada uno de nosotros finalmente compartirá. Debido a la presencia dinámica y permanente de Jesús, cada día es "el tercer día". Cada día está marcado por la redención de la muerte. Por tanto, la nuestra debe ser una moral pascual. Solo compartiendo los eventos de Jesús muriendo y resucitando, confrontando y confundiendo el pecado y la muerte, dejando que el misterio de la resurrección se ....
“For they did not yet understand the scripture that he had to rise from the dead.” (John 20:9) Jesus rose from the dead “on the third day.” In the Hebrew scriptures, “the third day” was traditionally the day of deliverance, of reversal, of victory snatched from the jaws of defeat or death. (1) In Hosea: “God will revive us after two days; on the third day, he will raise us up to live in his presence.” (2) “On the third day,” as Abraham was about to sacrifice Isaac, God told him to spare the life of his son. (3) Joseph freed his brothers from the Egyptian prison “on the third day.” (4) “On the third day,” God appeared to the wandering tribes on Sinai. (5) “On the third day,” David received the news that Saul had died. (6) Isaiah told Hezekiah that he would be healed from a grave illness “on the third day.” (7) “On the third day,” and when their situation seemed most hopeless, Esther initiated her plan for saving her fellow Jews. (8) Jonah freed from the belly of the great fish “on the third day.” Today, “on the third day” after remembering Jesus’ sacrificial death on the cross, we are celebrating the divine reversal of that event in the faith that Christ’s resurrection stands as a sure pledge of what each of us will eventually share. Because of Jesus’ dynamic and abiding presence, every day is “the third day.” Each day is marked by redemption from death. Therefore, ours should be an Easter morality. Only by sharing in the events of Jesus dying and rising....