Después salió con ellos fuera de la ciudad, hacia un lugar cercano a Betania; levantando las manos, los bendijo, y mientras los bendecía, se fue apartando de ellos y elevándose al cielo. Ellos, después de adorarlo, regresaron a Jerusalén, llenos de gozo, y permanecían constantemente en el templo, alabando a Dios.” (Lucas 24:50-53) El tema principal de esta Fiesta de la Ascensión del Señor se enfoca en la partida de Jesucristo al Padre celestial para que nos preparemos para la venida del Espíritu Santo en Pentecostés y para recibirlo el próximo domingo. Cristo nos enseña que debe ir al Padre para que Él nos envíe el Espíritu Santo. La partida de Cristo causa gran ansiedad de separación a muchos discípulos. Sin embargo, es una necesidad que Jesús vaya al Padre porque, como explica Jesús, si Él no va, el Espíritu Santo no vendrá a nosotros, los discípulos. Jesús le habló una vez a María Magdalena: “Deja de aferrarte a mí, porque todavía no he subido al Padre. Pero ve a mis hermanos y diles: "Voy a mi Padre y a vuestro Padre, a mi Dios y a vuestro Dios" (Juan 20:17). Por lo tanto, debemos dejar ir a Jesús y apreciar todo lo que ha hecho por nosotros y desarrollar nuestra paciencia para esperar la llegada del Espíritu Santo. La Ascensión de Jesús significa: (1) la victoria final de Cristo; (2) la finalización de la obra de Cristo; (3) su llegada a ser Señor y rey sobre todos los pueblos; y (4) su exaltación y glorificación final por el Padre. Después de la resurrección de entre los muertos, Jesús no es reconocido “formalmente” como el Salvador victorioso de todos. Todavía no ha sido glorificado como el Mesías, el Cristo. Es en la Ascensión que Jesús es “formalmente” .... [Haz click para continuar]
“Then he led them [out] as far as Bethany, raised his hands, and blessed them. As he blessed them he parted from them and was taken up to heaven. They did him homage and then returned to Jerusalem with great joy, and they were continually in the temple praising God.” (Luke 24:50-53) The major theme for this Feast of the Ascension of the Lord focuses on the departure of Jesus Christ to the heavenly Father for us to prepare for the coming of the Holy Spirit on the Pentecost and to receive Him next Sunday. Christ teaches us that he must go to the Father for Him to send the Holy Spirit to us. Christ’s departure causes great separation anxiety to many disciples. However, it is a necessity that Jesus goes to the Father because, as Jesus explains, if He does not go, the Holy Spirit will not come to us, the disciples. Jesus once spoke to Mary Magdalene: “Stop holding on to me, for I have not yet ascended to the Father. But go to my brothers and tell them, ‘I am going to my Father and your Father, to my God and your God” (John 20:17). Therefore, we need to let Jesus go and appreciate all that He has done for us and develop our patience to wait for the arrival of the Holy Spirit. The Ascension of Jesus means: (1) the final victory of Christ; (2) the completion of Christ’s work; (3) his becoming Lord and king over all people; and (4) his final exaltation and glorification by the Father. After the resurrection from the dead, Jesus is not “formally” recognized as the victorious Savior of all. He is not yet glorified as the Messiah, the Christ. It is on the Ascension that Jesus becomes .... [Click to continue]
On Sunday, Sept. 11, Fr. Joseph will perform a small ceremony at the beginning of each Mass for the closing of the Holy Door for the 250 years of Mission in the archdiocese of Los Angeles. May God continue to empower our Church in Los Angeles in the spirit of Mission and Evangelization to change the world. .... 1 - The religious education program will return Sept. 10-11, 2022. The registration for religious education program is now OPEN. Fr. Joseph invites all children to complete the First Communion program and all teenagers to complete the Confirmation program and all interested adult to participate in the RCIA to enter and exercise our Catholic faith. .... 2- All volunteers, ministers, servers, private contractors, employees, etc., are required by the Archdiocese of Los Angeles to participate in the Virtus Training and fingerprinting. For more information, please contact the parish office. .... 3 - As the date of our first St. Clement Golf Classic on Sept. 17, 2022 is fast approaching, Fr. Joseph is offering some raffle tickets for great prizes at the end of all Masses this weekend. Please support this wonderful event, taking place at Sepulveda Golf Center in Encino. Sign up through the "St. Clement Golf Classic" tab on this website, or write down your contact information on the sign-up sheet by the Church entrance. Invite sponsors for this great event to raise funds for our Church! .... 4 - We would like to thank Francisco and Mary Letelier for beautifully painting the statue of Archangel St. Michael. Thank you to Jacquelina Garcia for supporting this Project. .... 5 - Fr. Joseph would like to have two Extraordinary Eucharistic Ministers to help him distribute the holy communion. Please contact Fr. Joseph for more information. .... 6 - Fr. Joseph THANKS La Natividad Group for organizing this year's novena to celebrate the nativity of our Blessed Virgin Mary from Aug. 31 to Sept. 8 and Mass and food sharing. May God bless each member of La Natividad group.....7 - Fr. Joseph is organizing our annual parish fiesta in honor of our Patron Saint Clement coming up in November, and also our fiesta for Our Lady of Guadalupe. If you have ideas for these big fiestas, please contact Fr. Joseph.....[Click to continue]
Young Ministering Adults at St. Monica Catholic Community in Santa Monica present the Grapes & Grain tasting event on June 12, 2022 beginning at 6:30 p.m. in the pavilion. All parishioners and friends age 21 and older are welcome to attend. A $20 admission ticket includes 5 tastings and a souvenir tasting glass, plus snacks. There will be over 10 beers and 10 wines to taste, plus a raffle and live music. .... For tickets and more information, go to
Jesus said: “The Advocate, the Holy Spirit that the Father will send in my name—he will teach you everything and remind you of all that [I] told you.” (John 14:26) The major theme for this 6th Sunday of Easter focuses on the importance of the Holy Spirit in our Christian discipleship and daily life as we prepare for the coming of the Holy Spirit on Pentecost Sunday in 2 weeks. Our creed affirms the mystery of the Triune God, one in three “persons”: the Father who creates the universe, the Son who redeems the world and the Holy Spirit who sanctifies everything. The Holy Spirit is the first to awaken faith in us and communicates to us the new life in Christ, which is to "know the Father and the one whom he has sent, Jesus Christ." Even though the Holy Spirit is the last of the persons of the Divine Trinity to be revealed, he is at work with the Father and the Son from the beginning to the completion of the plan for our salvation. St. Paul teaches us that we are temples of the Holy Spirit, which means that God’s abiding presence or indwelling is in His Church and in each one of us. Therefore, the Holy Spirit encourages us to live a saintly life and to behave correctly as the adopted children of God, holy, dignified, unblemished before God. Our Lord Jesus Christ promises us the coming of the Holy Spirit, who will continually teach, guide, console, sustain, challenge, correct and remind us everything that He has taught us. Because the coming of the Holy Spirit is a gracious gift of God through Christ, we should .... [Click to continue]
Jesús dijo: “El Paráclito, el Espíritu Santo que mi Padre les enviará en mi nombre, les enseñará todas las cosas y les recordará todo cuanto yo les he dicho.” (Juan 14:26) El tema principal de este sexto domingo de Pascua se centra en la importancia del Espíritu Santo en nuestro discipulado cristiano y en la vida diaria mientras nos preparamos para la venida del Espíritu Santo el domingo de Pentecostés en 2 semanas. Nuestro credo afirma el misterio del Dios Triuno, uno en tres “personas”: el Padre que crea el universo, el Hijo que redime al mundo y el Espíritu Santo que santifica todo. El Espíritu Santo es el primero que despierta en nosotros la fe y nos comunica la vida nueva en Cristo, que es "conocer al Padre y a quien él ha enviado, Jesucristo". Aunque el Espíritu Santo es la última de las personas de la Trinidad Divina en ser revelada, está trabajando con el Padre y el Hijo desde el principio hasta la finalización del plan para nuestra salvación. San Pablo nos enseña que somos templos del Espíritu Santo, lo que significa que la presencia permanente o morada de Dios está en Su Iglesia y en cada uno de nosotros. Por lo tanto, el Espíritu Santo nos anima a vivir una vida santa y a comportarnos correctamente como hijos adoptivos de Dios, santos, dignos, sin mancha ante Dios. Nuestro Señor Jesucristo nos promete la venida del Espíritu Santo, quien continuamente nos enseñará, guiará, consolará, sostendrá, desafiará, corregirá y recordará todo lo que Él nos ha enseñado. Debido a que la venida del Espíritu Santo es un regalo de la gracia de Dios a través de Cristo, debemos estar .... [Haz click para continuar]
Pope Francis says we will emerge from this time of crisis better or worse, but not the same. In this moment, we can renew our relationship with our Lord Jesus Christ, who is present to us in the Holy Eucharist. .... On June 19, 2022, the Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ, the Church in the United States will launch a three-year Eucharistic Revival. This is a movement of Catholics across the United States, healed, converted, formed, and unified by an encounter with Jesus in the Eucharist—and sent out in mission for the life of the world. .... Here in the Archdiocese of Los Angeles, we will host a series of experiences in the coming year to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ and promote Eucharistic devotion, including: Archdiocesan Eucharistic Congress, Aug. 13, 2022 (Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels); Regional Eucharistic Congresses, fall and winter; 24-Hours with the Lord, fall; Archdiocesan Eucharistic Procession, spring; and Parish Eucharistic processions, June 11, 2023 Please join Archbishop Gomez as we launch this Eucharistic Revival this month.
Jesus said: “I give you a new commandment: love one another. As I have loved you, so you also should love one another.” (John 13:34) The major theme for this 5th Sunday of Easter focuses on the essential reason and the commandment of Christ to love, evangelize, spread and proclaim continually the Good News of Jesus Christ to everyone, for the progressing heavenly manifestation to enfold, and for Christ Jesus to offer the totality of himself to God for our salvation. All these happenings in today’s readings can be summarized in one single reason or theme, which is God’s infinite, compassionate and merciful love for us all. “God is love” (1 John 4:8). Love is the essence and reason for all existence of God’s creation. It is because of love, the love of God, the love of Christ, the love of the Gospel, and the love for humanity that motivated earliest Christian missionaries to persevere against all odds to proclaim their faith and hope in Jesus Christ, even when they had to undergo many trials, tribulations, pain and sufferings, and offering up their lives in sacrifice for God, for goodness of all, and for the salvation of humanity. Because of their sacrificial love for Christ, for God and for all, God transforms, sanctifies, and renews everything in God’s creation. This Christian love is the reason for our discipleship, and the vocation of our mission. Love indeed is Jesus Christ’s most important legacy that he gives us, and the most important commandment that he insists on all his disciples to fulfill. Jesus Christ teaches that .... [Click to continue]
Jesús dijo: “Les doy un mandamiento nuevo: que se amen los unos a los otros, como yo los he amado.” (Juan 13:34) El tema principal para este 5to domingo de Pascua se centra en la razón esencial y el mandamiento de Cristo de amar, evangelizar, difundir y proclamar continuamente las Buenas Nuevas de Jesucristo a todos, para la manifestación celestial que progresa, y para Cristo Jesús a ofrecer la totalidad de sí mismo a Dios para nuestra salvación. Todos estos acontecimientos en las lecturas de hoy se pueden resumir en una sola razón o tema, que es el amor infinito, compasivo y misericordioso de Dios por todos nosotros. "Dios es amor" (1 Juan 4: 8). El amor es la esencia y la razón de toda la existencia de la creación de Dios. Es por amor, el amor de Dios, el amor de Cristo, el amor del evangelio y el amor por la humanidad que motivó a los primeros misioneros cristianos para perseverar contra todas las probabilidades de proclamar su fe y esperanza en Jesucristo, incluso cuando ellos tuvieron que someterse a muchas pruebas, tribulaciones, dolor y sufrimientos, y ofreciendo sus vidas en sacrificio por Dios, por la bondad de todos y por la salvación de la humanidad. Debido a su amor sacrificial por Cristo, por Dios y para todos, Dios transforma, santifica y renueva todo en la creación de Dios. Este amor cristiano es la razón de nuestro discipulado y la vocación de nuestra misión. De hecho, el amor es el legado más importante de Jesucristo que nos da, y el mandamiento más importante que insiste en todos sus discípulos para cumplir. Jesucristo enseña que .... [Haz click para continuar]
Jesus said: “My sheep hear my voice; I know them, and they follow me.” (John 10:27) The major theme for this 4th Sunday of Easter focuses on the function of the Lord as our True Good Shepherd who guides us his flock to the safety and happiness of the Promised Land. The 4th Sunday of Easter is known as the “Good Shepherd Sunday” and the “World Day of Prayer for Vocations” because the Gospel reading emphasizes Jesus Christ as our True Good Shepherd. With certain faith and true conviction in Christ’s resurrection, we are invited to lead others to the same faith and also to live and to follow the footsteps of Jesus to build the Kingdom of God. Therefore, the readings today invite us to reflect on our Christian vocations of being good leaders and followers, shepherds and sheep, to walk ever closer with our true Shepherd, Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, to develop deeper personal relationship and greater collaboration with Him and to share the testimony of our faith and experiences with others to build the kingdom of God in our lives. Often, we hear the term “pastor” which means “shepherd” whose job is to lead, feed, nurture, comfort, correct, protect and serve his flock. However, these tasks are also the responsibilities of every Christian disciple, not only to leaders, because our Christian discipleship demands or requires all of us a daily deliberateness, determination and a constantly renewed disposition to affirm Jesus’ Lordship on our Christian way of life, and to teach or to share this Christian lifestyle with others. We are called to “lead” others and to “follow” the Lord, but ultimately, our true leader is Jesus Christ, a loving shepherd who calls us away from sin and self-centeredness to God and to be united with him with God and with one another. If we truly listen to Jesus Christ, we will hear .... [Click to continue]
En aquel tiempo, Jesús dijo a los judíos: “Mis ovejas escuchan mi voz; yo las conozco y ellas me siguen.” (Juan 10:27) El tema principal de este cuarto domingo de Pascua se centra en la función del Señor como nuestro Verdadero Buen Pastor que nos guía a su rebaño a la seguridad y felicidad de la Tierra Prometida. El cuarto domingo de Pascua se conoce como el “Domingo del Buen Pastor” y el “Día Mundial de Oración por las Vocaciones” porque la lectura del Evangelio enfatiza a Jesucristo como nuestro Verdadero Buen Pastor. Con cierta fe y verdadera convicción en la resurrección de Cristo, estamos invitados a llevar a otros a la misma fe y también a vivir y seguir los pasos de Jesús para construir el Reino de Dios. Por eso, las lecturas de hoy nos invitan a reflexionar sobre nuestra vocación cristiana de ser buenos líderes y seguidores, pastores y ovejas, para caminar cada vez más cerca de nuestro verdadero Pastor, Señor y Salvador, Jesucristo, para desarrollar una relación personal más profunda y una mayor colaboración con Él y compartir el testimonio de nuestra fe y experiencias con otros para construir el reino de Dios en nuestras vidas. A menudo escuchamos el término “pastor” cuyo trabajo es guiar, alimentar, nutrir, consolar, corregir, proteger y servir a su rebaño. Sin embargo, estas tareas son también responsabilidades de todo discípulo cristiano, no sólo de los líderes, porque nuestro discipulado cristiano exige o requiere de todos nosotros una deliberación diaria, una determinación y una disposición constantemente renovada para afirmar el Señorío de Jesús en nuestro estilo de vida cristiano, y enseñar o compartir este estilo de vida cristiano con otros. Estamos llamados a “guiar” a otros y a “seguir” al Señor, pero en .... [Haz click para continuar]